Contact Me

Want to book a consultation? Maybe just have some ideas? Email me or use the form below.  |  81 McCaul St., Toronto, ON, M5T2W7


Frequently asked questions:

1) Where do you work?

I work out of a semi-private studio at 81 McCaul St. in the heart of downtown Toronto. The nearest TTC station is St. Patrick.

2) How do I book an appointment?

You can email me with a brief description of your idea and the placement. I generally set up a consultation appointment afterward to go over the details. A deposit is required afterwards to hold your appointment dates.

3) How much for a tattoo?

I charge an hourly rate of 280/hr of tattooing. Breaks and design time are not charged. A typical appointment is 4-5 hours of tattooing. Smaller tattoos may be done in one appointment but larger work will require multiple appointments.

4) Do you do cover-ups?

I do cover-ups on a case-by-case basis. It’s best to book an in-person consultation for these. Cover-ups will generally have to be a half sleeve or larger.

5) How do you pronounce Nguyen?

Sometimes I'm not even sure.